Whilst this valve had been signed off as 'inspected' by a silo engineer, the birds' nest underneath the lid would suggest otherwise!
Effective inspections by trained engineers will avoid this.
This pressure sensor has been severely damaged and will certainly not be providing adequate monitoring of the silo during a fill.
Regular inspections and effective maintenance will avoid this.
Powder is blowing out of this belly silo filter during the filling process as the result of excessive internal pressure build-up.
Regular inspections and effective maintenance will avoid this.
This filter's cartridges have been blinded with product meaning pressurised air cannot escape. Serious damage to the silo can result.
SPS pressure monitoring and regular inspections will avoid this.
There is a PRV somewhere! It appears that no effective servicing has been carried out for months or years. The safety system is compromised.
A testable SPS which will alert users if the PRV is blocked.
These filter cartridges are completely blocked. This can result in environmental pollution and could cause serious damage to the silo.
SPS pressure monitoring and regular silo servicing will avoid this.
Visually, this PRV appeared fine - until the lid was lifted to reveal a solidified mess. The silo safety system has failed.
Effective servicing will ensure this can't happen.
The solidified material underneath this filter housing indicates all is not well. The silo protection system is likely 100% ineffective.
Regular servicing and a testable SPS will solve this.
This PRV appeared fine until the lid was lifted to reveal a solidified mess. This leakage indicates the silo safety system has failed.
A testable SPS which will alert users if the PRV is blocked.
This PRV has been completely blocked with cement that has solidified, and has no chance of working if needed.
A testable SPS and effective servicing will help avoid this.
Blocked filter cartridges will cause pollution if they burst, or if completely blocked may damage the silo.
SPS pressure monitoring and regular silo servicing will avoid this.
This blocked filter unit was blown off the silo roof by pressure build-up in the silo. A member of staff was injured.
SPS pressure monitoring and regular silo servicing will avoid this.
This PRV was replaced only a year earlier due to blockage, but the issue remains.
Regular, effective servicing and a testable system will help avoid this.
Solidified product around and inside this PRV suggests the safety system has failed.
Effective silo protection helps by providing early warnings to avoid this.
The filters in this unit have become damaged, allowing the product to escape and completely block it.
Regular silo servicing and effective SPS pressure monitoring will help avoid this.
Escaped product has completely solidified, encasing all the safety equipment!
A testable SPS and effective servicing will help avoid this.
Solidified product around this pressure relief valve suggests a failure of the silo protection system.
Effective silo protection should mean the PRV never vents product!
This PRV appeared fine until the lid was lifted – this indicates the silo safety system has failed.
A testable SPS and effective servicing will help avoid this.
Aggressive product has destroyed this inlet valve, putting the silo at pressure risk during filling.
Regular, competent servicing will identify problems like this early.
Product has blown out of this PRV and solidified, blocking it up. It certainly will not work if required!
A testable SPS and effective servicing will help avoid this.
Unmonitored, uncontrolled inlet pressure during filling procedure risks rapidly over-pressurising a silo.
SPS with a pressure sensor-controlled auto shut-off valve will avoid this.
This air vent filter cartridge has become blinded with powder, meaning pressurised air cannot escape.
SPS pressure monitoring and regular silo servicing will avoid this.
Lifting the lid revealed this the PRV on SPS was completely blocked with solidified product.
A testable SPS which will alert users if the PRV is blocked.
Blown-out product around the PRV is a common indicator of serious issues with silo pressure.
Competent servicing and a testable SPS will stop this.
This silo shows clear signs of buckling from over-pressurisation caused by an ineffective SPS.
A well-maintained, testable SPS which will alert users if the PRV is blocked.
The release of powder during filling is a clear sign of a major problem with the silo protection system.
A well-maintained, testable SPS which will alert users if the PRV is blocked.
Product on top of the silo is a clear sign of poor maintenance and issues with the PRV or filter.
A well-maintained, testable SPS which will alert users if the PRV is blocked.
This shaker unit was ineffective in cleaning itself due to poor monitoring and maintenance.
SPS pressure monitoring and regular silo servicing will avoid this.